Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings!

Hello Readers!

Welcome to 2013! This is one of my favorite times of the year because it is a time that (more often than not) seems filled with hope and optimism. The hardships and heartaches of last year, and the years past, are behind you. The new year, with all of its possibilities of, lies ahead.

This time of year also happens to coincide with my birthday. And, this year it also coincides with a new job. As many of you already know, I've been faithfully and ardently searching for a new job for quite some time. And, as a few of you know, I accepted a position with a company near home. And not just any position, a position that I am so excited about! I am eager to learn and be stretched through this career opportunity, to become a more effective communicator, and to put into practice the knowledge and skills that I've been studying for so long! This job is an answer to prayers in so many ways!

This career change will undoubtedly lead to a few changes in my wardrobe. My narration of self, at least through clothing, is already in the process of being altered. My love of feminine and somewhat quirky dresses will remain, I'm sure, but in different ways. It will be interesting to see how my style changes as I adjust to a corporate culture...

I imagine that the next week will be a bit hectic, but I will try my best to keep you all updated!

Thanks for reading, and happy 2013!

Happy 2013 and Happy Birthday to me!

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